The best Oktoberfest Apps
The fields of the Theresienwiese are the spacious 103 acres that are the home to many German festivals throughout the year including, most notably, Oktoberfest. Even when the fields aren’t populated by half a million people at a time and your vision isn’t obscured by innumerable beer tents, carnival rides and roller coasters, traditional parades and food stalls it can still be really hard to find your way.
If you’re new to Oktoberfest and don’t know all the ins and outs and tips and tricks to getting around the festival, then you’re in luck! There are ways to find out which tent is less crowded, where the cheapest drinks can be found and the Bavarian phrases you’ll need to know. And best of all, it’s free (in most cases).
Experience The Power Of Mobile Applications!
When travelling in a group it can be easy to get separated when everyone wants to go to different places at the same time. When this happens you might end up talking to someone you’ve barely met, you’ve probably had one too many and you can hardly understand their broken English. Hopefully you’ll have had the foresight to sign up to the ‘My Wiesn’ community app allowing you to figure out which beer tents your friends are currently at.
In many of the tents it simply won’t be enough to talk in your native tongue and the locals will want you to at least learn the basics of Bavarian speech. At Oktoberfest that means one thing, asking for a pint of beer. The app called ‘Bayrisch für Anfänger’ will teach you all you need to know so you can impress your friends and quench your thirst in style.
Get Bayrisch für Anfänger on Google Play
Keeping Your Wits About You
At Oktoberfest the last thing you’ll probably be is sober but you should always be on top of how many standard drinks you’ve had. Luckily, there’s also an app for that! It’s called the ‘Blut Alkohol Rechner’ and it’ll keep the count for you (and it’ll do the same for your entourage) so that your group can focus on having fun. It’ll even tell you when you’re good to start drinking again.
Get Blut Alkohol Rechner on Google Play
Not all apps are for notifying you about how drunk you are or how much more you can drink before you are. Some of the more practical apps such as the ‘Wiesn Protect’ will help you make your way around the city, how to get to the after party and the numbers you’ll need to call for taxis.
Get Wiesn Protect on Google Play / Get Wiesn Protect on iTunes
There is no end to the number of apps that Oktoberfest has going for it. There’s probably an app for every single type of beer on tap – and that’s a lot.
So before you go to your next Oktoberfest, make sure you take the time to download a few helpful apps that will make your time at the world’s biggest and best celebration of all things beer and German. You’ll be glad you did when you’ve forgotten how you managed to misplace your shirt and climb up onto the table to participate in the traditional dance that is the Fliegerlied (Heut is so a schöner Tag).